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Rose hips have many benefits for your health. People also call them the fruit of the rose, because they are found underneath rose petals. Rose hips have a round shape and are filled with seeds. However, they do not blossom at the same time as roses do (in the spring and summer months).  Rose hips start growing after the petals of the flower have already bloomed and started falling off (early to mid-fall). Furthermore, many people say that these fruits of the rose flower are actually sweeter if you pick them after the first frost of the season. Today we are going to tell you more about this packed with nutrients and disease-fighting fruity herb.

What are Rose Hips?

This fruit contains many small, edible seeds, which are a good source of various nutrients. Wild rose hips have a red-orange color, which they get from carotenoid pigments known as lycopene and beta carotene. According to some studies, these pigments can help promote skin and eye health. Furthermore, Rosehips are also abundant in disease-fighting antioxidants, including vitamin C, quercetin, catechins, and ellagic acid. This exact mix is able to fight inflammation and oxidative stress in your body. Not to mention the fact that vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis and developing a strong immune system.

What are the benefits of Rose hips?

People have used Rose hips for hundreds of years in traditional and folk medicine because they possess anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

1. Rich in Vitamin C

Perhaps one of the most well-known benefits of rose hips is their exceptionally high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that supports immune function, collagen synthesis, and overall skin health. Including rose hips in the diet can contribute to bolstering the body’s defenses against infections.

2. Immune System Support

Beyond vitamin C, rose hips contain an array of bioactive compounds that contribute to immune system support. These compounds work synergistically to enhance the body’s ability to ward off infections and maintain overall immune resilience.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Rose hips possess anti-inflammatory properties attributed to their content of polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds help mitigate inflammation in the body, potentially offering relief for inflammatory conditions and contributing to overall wellness.

4. Joint Health and Arthritis Management

The anti-inflammatory effects of rose hips extend to joint health. Studies suggest that rose hip extracts may be beneficial for individuals with osteoarthritis, helping alleviate symptoms such as joint pain and stiffness.

5. Heart Health

The presence of antioxidants, including carotenoids and polyphenols, in rose hips contributes to heart health. These compounds help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Digestive Health

Rose hips contain dietary fiber, which is essential for digestive health. Fiber aids in regulating bowel movements, preventing constipation, and promoting a healthy gut microbiota. Including rose hips in the diet can contribute to overall digestive well-being.

7. Skin Care and Anti-Aging

The combination of vitamin C, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids in rose hips makes them a valuable component in skin care. Rose hips may help protect the skin from oxidative damage, reduce signs of aging, and promote a more youthful complexion.

8. Antioxidant Powerhouse

Rose hips are a rich source of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative stress. Antioxidants contribute to cellular health and may help protect against chronic diseases.

9. Supports Weight Management

The fiber content in rose hips contributes to a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management. Including rose hips in a balanced diet may be beneficial for individuals looking to support healthy weight loss or maintenance.

Are rose hips the best source of vitamin C?

Yes, rose hips are one of the natural rich sources of vitamin C.  They have the highest concentration of vitamin C.

Is vitamin C with rose hips better than regular vitamin C?

Vitamin C with rose hips has more benefits than regular vitamin C. In their natural form, rose hips are also used in traditional medicines. Rosehips contain a variety of flavonoids, carotenoids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. In fact, they make one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C.


People have been using this magnificent fruity herb for centuries because of its benefits for the skin and overall health. Due to the fact that Rose hips are packed with antioxidants and other essential nutrients, like Vitamin C, A, and E, they could help fight off inflammation, lower blood pressure, and bad cholesterol, and even aid joint pain. The rosehip oil is very popular for its anti-aging properties as well. Even though rose hips are generally safe for consumption, please first check with your healthcare specialist before starting to supplement with them.


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Dr. Disha Trivedi

Dr. Disha Trivedi is PhD in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. She is working as a medical writer and researcher at MVS Pharma GmbH.

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