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Salbutamol-containing medicines for pulmonary dosage in Germany have continued to be in shortage since December 2023, when it was officially announced by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). The main reasons are problems in production and the increased demand in the whole world. It’s expected the shortage to continue until autumn 2024 at least, but some of the manufacturers will restore the regular supplies even at the beginning of 2025.

Salbutamol shortage in Europe

Actually, not only Germany is affected by a shortage of Salbutamol, but many other European countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden, just in each country the scale and type of the missing medicines vary.

In Germany the easier import procedure aims to cushion the bottleneck and also different additional measures like doctors should not issue prescriptions for individual stockpiling and only the smallest package size should be prescribed. Also, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds has recommended that health insurance companies cover any additional patients costs that may arise till the supply issues end officially.

Salbutamol weiterhin knapp

Wie das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) offiziell mitteilte, werden salbutamolhaltige Arzneimittel zur pulmonalen Dosierung in Deutschland auch im Dezember 2023 knapp. Hauptgründe sind Probleme in der Produktion und die gestiegene Nachfrage in der ganzen Welt. Es wird damit gerechnet, dass die Verknappung mindestens bis Herbst 2024 andauern wird, einige Hersteller werden aber schon Anfang 2025 die reguläre Versorgung wieder aufnehmen.

Tatsächlich ist nicht nur Deutschland betroffen, sondern auch viele andere europäische Länder wie Österreich, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Griechenland, Ungarn, Irland, die Niederlande, Norwegen, Spanien und Schweden, wobei das Ausmaß und die Art der fehlenden Medikamente in jedem Land unterschiedlich sind.

In Deutschland soll das erleichterte Importverfahren den Engpass abfedern und auch verschiedene zusätzliche Maßnahmen wie z.B. dass Ärzte keine Rezepte für die individuelle Bevorratung ausstellen dürfen und nur die kleinste Packungsgröße verschrieben werden soll. Auch der Spitzenverband der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen hat den Krankenkassen empfohlen, eventuell entstehende Mehrkosten für die Patienten zu übernehmen, bis die Versorgungsprobleme offiziell beendet sind.

Source: Salbutamol remains in short supply | PHARMACY ADHOC (


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MVS Pharma GmbH will soon be launching an omega-3 dietary supplement onto the European market that has been developed for the highest quality standards in terms of oxidation avoidance and therefore greatest bioavailability. In addition, in vitro studies are currently underway at the University of Ulm, in which Professor Dr. Rüdiger Groß tested a patented mouth and nose spray (Virudol) that can eliminate various flu viruses based on natural substances. In addition, MVS has a wholesale license and has specialized in sourcing much-needed medicines such as Amoxicillin, Salbutamol, etc. from India through its local branch with a focus on local quality and safety testing, compliance with international GMP regulations and the highest quality level of user security (examples of local language brochures, identical units of measurement, batch control and full tracking, etc.).

Managing Director of MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd Miglena Racheva

Miglena is the Managing Director of MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd. She is in charge of our Administration Company in Bulgaria – MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd. She makes sure that all the documentation complies with EU’s regulations, executes deep dive researches on various projects and topics, and oversees every plan and action of the company.