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Everyone has heard of quality management or has seen the abbreviation QM referring to it.  In our lives, quality plays a big part on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. From products for home, food, clothes, and supplements to medicines and the services we use, quality determines how satisfied we are with the things around us. In this article, we will pay attention to what is it in general and what aspects it covers.

What is Quality management (QM) in general and why is it so important for business and individuals alike?

Probably you are thinking, “This is interesting, but why does it matter to me?” It is very simple: quality management affects everything we do. Whether you’re buying a product, or medicine, or using a service, QM ensures that you get the best possible experience. As customers, we benefit from businesses using QM practices because it means fewer defects, better reliability, and improved customer service. If you work for a company, understanding QM can help you contribute to better products and happier customers, making your job more rewarding.

You may ask what are the key aspects of quality management? Well, here are 3 of the most important ones:

1. Everyone plays a role in Quality:

It’s easy to think that quality management is only the job of managers or specialized departments, but that’s not true. In a well-run business, everyone plays a role in quality. Whether it’s the workers on the factory floor, the customer service representatives, or even the janitors who keep things clean, every employee helps contribute to a quality product or service.
For example, in a manufacturing company, even the person who cleans the machines ensures that the process runs smoothly. If the machines are dirty, they might malfunction, leading to defects in the goods. By involving everyone, businesses can catch problems early and keep everything running smoothly. It also makes employees feel more engaged and responsible for the success of the company.

 2. Constant Improvement: Always Getting Better:

One of the most important aspects of quality management is the idea of continuous improvement. Businesses don’t just stop once they’ve delivered a good product. They constantly look for ways to make it better. This might involve improving the design, speeding up the manufacturing process, or finding ways to reduce costs and better pricing for the final customer while keeping quality high. A great example of this is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, a common tool in QM. Imagine a shop that sells all kinds and flavors of ice cream. If customers say the ice cream is too frosty or not delicious and sweet enough, the shop would go through a process of planning (thinking of ways to improve the recipe), doing (mixing the flavors with adjustments), checking (seeing if customers approve, and like the new version), and acting (making the change permanent if it’s successful). This cycle repeats, helping the staff continuously improve.

3. Customers are most important and come in first place – Quality management best practice:

At its core, quality management is all about the customer. Whether it’s a business making goods, foods, supplements, medicines, clothes or even delivering services like banking or healthcare, their main goal is to make sure the customer is happy. This involves listening to what customers need, understanding their expectations, and making sure the final product or service delivers on those expectations.

For example, think about the last time you bought something online. If it arrived late or didn’t work the way you expected, you were probably disappointed. Businesses use quality management practices to avoid these problems by keeping the customer’s needs in mind right from the start. It’s not just about delivering what was promised, but doing it efficiently and reliably every time.


Quality management isn’t just a business fancy word. It’s a system that keeps things running smoothly, ensuring that customers are satisfied and businesses continuously improve. By focusing on customers, encouraging everyone’s involvement, and encouraging a mindset of ongoing improvement, QM helps create better products and services for all of us. So the next time you buy something that works perfectly or enjoys seamless service, you can thank the aspects of quality management at play behind the scenes.


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MVS Pharma GmbH will soon be launching an omega-3 dietary supplement onto the European market that has been developed for the highest quality standards in terms of oxidation avoidance and therefore greatest bioavailability. In addition, in vitro studies are currently underway at the University of Ulm, in which Professor Dr. Rüdiger Groß tested a patented mouth and nose spray (Virudol) that can eliminate various flu viruses based on natural substances. In addition, MVS has a wholesale license and has specialized in sourcing much-needed medicines such as Amoxicillin, Salbutamol, etc. from India through its local branch with a focus on local quality and safety testing, compliance with international GMP regulations and the highest quality level of user security (examples of local language brochures, identical units of measurement, batch control and full tracking, etc.).

Head of Administration & Organization Donka Staykova

Head of Administration & Organization at MVS Pharma GmbH. Donka is responsible for administration and managerial support for the team. Her work includes processing information, research, coordination of the team, organizing meetings, record maintenance, etc.