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Medicine shortages Saarland update: In Saarland as in other parts of Germany, the pharmacists and doctors continue to have issues with supplying life-saving medicines to their patients. The main reason according to the local health care specialists is that their manufacturing is mainly in non-European countries. Hundreds of medicines are difficult or impossible to provide, including antibiotics, cardiovascular and diabetes drugs, and severe painkillers such as morphine, according to the chairwoman of the board of the Pharmacists’ Association, Susanne Koch, the SR.

Michael Kulas of the Saarland General Practitioners’ Association also continues to take a critical view of the situation. It is not as dramatic as last year when there was a lack of medicines for children in particular. But as long as production is almost exclusively abroad, the supply situation is unstable.

Benedikt Brixius of the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents in Saarland also supports his colleagues in their worries about the missing medicines. A solution to stimulate more companies to start manufacturing in Germany again might be different long-term financial incentives the government offers. Although it’s been an EU official strategy since 2020, mainly the costs of the new plants delay its fulfillment, respectively in the medicine supply many fluctuations occur.

Source of this news article update on Medicine shortages Saarland: Again numerous medicines are missing in Saarland


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Managing Director of MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd Miglena Racheva

Miglena is the Managing Director of MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd. She is in charge of our Administration Company in Bulgaria – MVS Pharma Bulgaria Ltd. She makes sure that all the documentation complies with EU’s regulations, executes deep dive researches on various projects and topics, and oversees every plan and action of the company.